
Afraid of Losing Your AirPods? The AirPod Strap Solves That Problem

A genius little accessory that goes by the name 'AirPod Strap' will foreclose your from losing your wireless Apple AirPods.

The 'AirPod Strap' Will Save You from Losing Your AirPods, merely Are They Worth Information technology?

Along with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, Apple announced its brand spanking new earbuds dubbed the 'AirPods.' Essentially they look like the EarPods without the wire (obviously at face value) but the potential to lose them is so loftier that it has started a new wave of memes in the tech space. So, keeping the 'losing' scrap in mind, a company has come up with a new accessory chosen the 'AirPod Strap.'  What the AirPod Strap does is no rocket science. Simply how it achieves it is so genius that nosotros'll go as far as saying that it'south one of the most genius accessories we have ever seen for an audio device.

The AirPod Strap is used as a tether to keep your AirPods safe. They are easily attached and detached from the new Apple AirPods and so removing for charging is easy!

Basically, it'southward a tether for your AirPods that keep the two pieces together regardless of where yous toss them around. Just take a look at the image above and you'll instantly empathize what we are trying to say. But, is the AirPod Strap worth the investment? At just $nineteen.95, it's not cheap, nor are the AirPods at $159. So, if y'all're dropping in that much greenbacks on a pair of wireless earbuds that yous can potentially lose on a bus ride, then it would exist a wise motion to invest in the AirPod Strap equally well. This will ensure that you practice not lose one AirPod slice due to carelessness.

If you're interested in buying the AirPod Strap, then you'll exist pleased to acquire you tin pre-order them immediately. Only head over to this folio and add in the required details to get in line.

Wrap Upwards

We're quite sure people will end upwardly losing one piece of their AirPods in the most ridiculous mode possible. If that turns out to be the case and you're not willing to buy an accessory like the one mentioned above, so we recommend putting your AirPods back in their original case in one case yous're done using them. We do realize that statement might audio a little naive at showtime, only admit it, our laziness will force us to leave the AirPods on the dinner tabular array no affair how hard we try.


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